Thursday, September 10, 2015

Funny of the Day (Mom Style)- My Little Monkey

I truly love my job, but my family come first and foremost. Funny of the Days happen at home and I think of them as my Mom Style.
My little guy and I were at the store picking up just a few things from the grocery store. Now there are three people in my family. My big guy, my little guy, and myself. My guys love bananas and that is what I was picking up. I was planning on just getting fruit for a couple of days. I grabbed two huge bunches of bananas. This is for three people for a couple of days. Surely it will last us. My little guy reaches over and grabs another bunch of bananas. I tried to help him understand that we had plenty of bananas. He looked at me and said, "mom you can never have too many bananas and I don't want to run out." How can you argue with logic like that from such a monkey?

Happy Teaching/ Parenting.

This is only some of the bananas. Another bunch wouldn't fit on the stand. 

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