Friday, September 11, 2015

Funny of The Day (Mom Style)- What Rhymes With Duck?

Ten years ago I worked with someone who told a story of a classic funny where they were working with rhyming words. In the teacher's manual they were working with the -uck word family and were instructed to rhyme with the word duck. Well you can guess what a sweet child through out as a word that rhymed with duck. The teacher said she learned her lesson and never taught that lesson again.

This lesson came back to haunt me the other day. We were driving in the car when my son piped up and asked, "mom do you know what rhymes with duck? With pride he yelled out F!@#."

Well I would like to state now that My Big Guy and I are not perfect, but we don't use language like that. I quickly corrected My Little Guy and told him that was a bad word and we should not use it. He then asked the follow up question, "Mom what does it mean?"

With My Little Guy only being 5 I thought it better not to go into details. I just emphasized again what a not great word it was.

Who knew that a funny from so long ago would resurface in my life?

Happy Teaching/ Parenting
Pic of My Little Guy asleep in the car after a 5k. He fell asleep in 2 min. 

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