Wednesday, September 9, 2015

A Tall Drink of Water

As teachers we know that having a substitute in our room is very hard. First we have to get lesson plans ready that are so detailed anyone (hopefully) can understand them. We then have to document all potential behaviors/problems/routines that may occur in our room and what to do about them. Finally we have to clean up whatever mess is left when we get back.

I am blessed in my room because I teach Special Education I have para-educators in my classroom who can help with the substitute. This occurred when one of my para-educators was gone I had a substitute in my room.

The substitute really did try her best and was happy to be there, but she did have a few good one liners  throughout the day that were not appropriate.

We have a very tall Speech and Language Therapist. He is 6'10". I love that he works with students in the 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade multiple of the students only come to his waist. It is so funny to see them walking down the hall. He is quiet and reserved which totally goes against what I think he would be like. I would think he would be larger than life. I have so much respect for him.

He walked into the room to take one of my students to speech. As he was walking out of the room the substitute who had never seen him before said, "well now isn't he a tall drink of water."

My other para and I just looked at each other and smiled. What do you say to that? Students were in the room to. We just let it go. (Although I did have several good laughs at it since and love to tease "The Tall Drink of Water" at school.)
A Tall Drink of Water

I work with students who also have self regulation issues. My para was using specific pressure activities to help self regulate my student. The substitute was watching her. She then asked, "should I take of his socks and shoes and tickle his feet or would they be too dirty and stinky?"

"No," my para said abruptly. It was so funny that she would jump from joint arm pressure to tickling feet. I loved the reaction of my no nonsense para. I do love substitutes. I am blessed that people substitute because it is a hard job. I have done it myself, but found that some say the funniest things without realizing the intent of our education world.

Happy Teaching!

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