Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Funny of the Day- Snips and Snails, and Puppy Dog Tails....

Today's Funny of the Day is provided by Ms. S. Adams a teacher who has a great way of writing and sense of humor. Feel free to email me your Funny of the Day and let me know if I can share your stories. We all need a good laugh.

Snips and Snails, and Puppy Dog Tails.....

That's what little boys are made of... Apparently, this little rhyme should and will be the theme of my classroom this year with my six girls and twelve, count them twelve boys! What's a teacher to do?? This theme was seen loud and proud in my classroom today!

Let me first start off by saying we have new Math curriculum in our district this year and we are all attempting to muddle our way through as we make sense of it all. I have also decided to try running math groups while I'm at it.

As it is, math has been taking about half the day to get through and today was no exception with a disruption like no other! One with four legs, a tail, and of the reptile persuasion.

As my first group was wrapping up, I hear a student shout out, "A lizard!" Picture this, if you will, all heads whipping around to face the area being pointed out in total synchronization, followed by a stampede of 12 boys running to the poor creature as if their lives were in grave danger. If the room had been a boat, we would have sunk as quickly as my math lesson did in that moment!

Now, I am not scared of lizards, I can hold my own with spiders, and I have swatted wasps too numerous to count down from my classroom ceiling. But I have to say, I might be just a bit frightened of being trampled by 18 eight year olds running from one side of the room to the other in hot pursuit of a lizard (particularly when the vast majority of those students are again of the male persuasion)!

So I did what any adult would do I followed the crowd... but not without first grabbing a bowl in which to trap the intruder. The next step I took was to take care of the little critter! Ms. Moore, our in house reptile catching expertise helped (like I said, had no problem with our new little friend in and of itself, it's the stampede of little boy feet having no mind for anything or anyone between them and their target that I have a mild "fear" of.)

With the creature captured and almost lunchtime, math was finished. We did have time for a brief conversation about it however.

"Can we keep it as a class pet?" In spite of the fact that I can't get this child to ever ask any questions I shut him down rather quickly.

"Absolutely not!" (Teacher of the year again.)

Same child after a few others have been in their seats, "I think he's dead."

Me: "No, I think he's petrified with fear because 12 little boys have just chased him around the room and he's now sitting in my clean (or was, clean, anyway) glass for water with a bunch of students staring wide-eyed at him. Sit down."

A big thanks to Ms. S. Adams for sharing.
Happy Teaching

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