Thursday, September 3, 2015

Sarcasm It's a Disease

Today I walked out of my classroom and heard a fellow teacher telling her class that sometimes even teachers make mistakes. This teacher happened to be a good friend so I jumped at the opportunity to tease. I did so by giving her a look indicating "sometimes???" She quickly jumped back with asking me to tell her class how she rarely makes mistakes. I joked with her about how she makes lots of mistakes. She then insisted that I, "tell the truth." In the most sarcastic tone I could muster I told her class how perfect she was and that she rarely makes any mistakes. Her class seemed to take this as word. I then walked to the front of the line of her class and asked if any of the students knew what sarcastic meant. The student in front proudly announced he did and his brother had it. He made it sound like a dreaded disease. My teacher friend and I couldn't hold our laughter. We looked at each other and broke out giggling. You have to love the times with 3rd graders in bus lines. Kids do say the darnedest things.

Feel free to share your funny moments. We all have them in teaching. Just remember to tell them appropriately.

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