Monday, September 7, 2015

How to Print on Post-It Notes

I would like to start off by saying I do not own stock in post-it notes, but I probably should. I love Post-it notes. They are so handy for so many things. I am going to show you how to print on post-it notes. First you need to get a template. This lets you know where to place the post-it notes. I am going to demonstrate using the templates from my Text to Text, Text to Self, Text to World it can be found at my TPT Store.
I used 1 3/8 in. x 1 7/8 in. Post-its. Once the template if made I used that to insert the information that I wanted on the post-its. I deleted the boxes so I would just print on the post-its. 
I printed out the template and placed the post-it notes on. My little guy saw me doing it and wanted to help. I feel that I can safely say this is so easy a child can do it.

Next you can add tape to help hold the post-its down so they can go through the printer easier. I am lucky that my printer doesn't need tape to hold it down.
This is where you need to have a relationship with printer. You will need to know which way your way to put the paper so that it will feed through correctly. 

Happy Teaching!

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