Saturday, September 19, 2015

Funny of the Day- Strange Names and Mermaids

I really try not to laugh or poke fun at people's names because usually they have not chosen them, but with that being said every once in a while a really good name comes around. The last one I heard was strange. This student's last name was Strange. I don't know why, but it hits my funny bone each time I hear it.

Our speech and language therapist was working with this student and following directions. He had two student's in there and decided that one student would play the teacher and give directions while the other one followed the directions. Miss Strange went first.

The therapist sent an email stating, "Favorite quote of the morning, "Hi my name is Ms. (Student's Name) Strange and I'm going to teach about mermaids."

The student was pointing with a ruler. My first thought went to Harry Potter. Can't you imagine it...... she as a teacher in Hogwarts, "Hi my name is Ms. (Student's Name) Strange and I'm going to teach about mermaids."

I would love to hear your funnies.

Happy Teaching!

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