Thursday, September 24, 2015

Funny of the Day- Perplexed

While working with students on a game called perplexed in which students would use problem solving to come up with answers a friend asked the question, "What is liquid that you can't drink?"
The following conversation ensued.

Student, "I can't say."
Teacher- continuing to prob thinking the student couldn't recall the word asked questions to which the response was....
Student, "it's brown."
Teacher, " what other clues can you give me?"
Student, "it starts with a 'B.'" 
Teacher, "can you tell me any other letters?"
Student, "B-E-E-R."
Teacher, "can you think of any that are more school appropriate?"

They settled on soap.

This brought a smile. Do you have any funnies I would love to hear them.

Happy Teaching!

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