Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Funny of The Day- Cougar

One of my Paraeducators had on a leopard print shirt. One of my students was wearing zebra striped clothes. We were talking to them about their prints when my other para said you look like a cougar. We all started laughing about my Para the cougar.
This reminded me of a classic funny. An old school district had a High School whose mascot was the cougar. The cheerleaders had a fundraiser and sold t-shirts. One of the t-shirts said cougar across the front all blinged out. An older woman bought one of the t-shirts from her granddaughter. Someone walked into the lunchroom walked in and told her, "wow look you are quite the Cougar." The funniest thing is she had no idea of what was eluded too.
Who knew schools were full of such cougars?

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