Monday, September 21, 2015

How to Copy on Post-it Notes

It will not take long for you to discover that I love post-it notes. They are so versatile, but you don't always need to hand write on them. You can have preprinted prompts for your students on them too. In a previous post I taught you how to use a printer to print on post-it notes. In this post I would like to address the slightly more scary topic the copier. The concepts are the same. You must develop a nice relationship with your copier. When I use the copier I like to use the bypass tray.

First you need to have a template and the post-it information lined up. I am using post-its templates from my Think Mark collection on TPT. Place the post-it notes on the master template. I am demonstrating with 3" by 3" post-its.

 Next make sure that you have selected the bypass tray on the copier.
I put in some blank paper. We have a new copier this year and I was unsure which way the paper feed through. I used a very technical method, ok not really, I wrote on the top to indicate which side faced up and did a test print. 
This let me know that I need to feed the post-its face down. Now if you are cautious you will want to tape your post-its down so they will not get caught as you feed them through the printer. I like living on the edge so I didn't tape them down. I just wanted to see what would happen. I am proud to report only one post-it got a little bent and I never had to fix a paper jam.
Warning on my first pass through I failed to take into account the orientation of the post-its on the page. My post-its came out looking like this....
soo sad. :(
I then fixed the orientation and took a picture to remind me how to do it again. You know a picture says a thousand words and on a brain dead day after work I can use visuals.

After the death of six post-its  I had figured it out.
I love these because they give the picture clues to the students, but still give them room to write. I use Think Marks to help develop and deepen comprehension of text.

Here is an example of the packet used. This packet includes two sizes of post-its and their templates along with posters and bookmarks.

Happy Teaching and Copying on Post-Its!

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