Thursday, September 17, 2015

Funny of the Day- I need a wheelchair

The Backstory- Names have been changed to protect the innocent. Today at school a student came in a wheelchair. They were not in my class, but it impacted my classroom. My Para educator who helps with the bus had this student assigned to her route so she had spoke about the wheelchair. Also the student’s classroom is down the hall from our room and we saw it pass by several times.

The Story- My student had a rough day. It was a true Monday in the sense of the word. He struggled getting regulated and seemed on edge all morning. Then on the way to lunch he wasn’t paying attention and ran into a metal pole. It wasn’t that hard, but he did have a red mark on his cheek. My Para brought him to me and I took him to the nurse for an icepack. He didn’t leave it on, but we tried. In the nurses office he saw the student in the wheelchair. He didn’t say anything about it, but just looked at it with interest.  

Later I got a call over the intercom… “Did you send Johnny up to the office? He is up here asking for a wheelchair.”

“No, he should be out at recess. I am on my way up.”

When I reached the office my student flailed himself on the cot in the nurse’s office saying, “Oh ho ho, Poor Johnny.”

“Johnny, why are you in here?”

“Oh ho ho, Johnny needs a wheelchair. Johnny is sad.”

“Johnny what happened? Are you hurt?” I asked as I scanned him. It can be difficult when you have a student that doesn’t fully communicate. I found a Band-Aid on his knee. “Who gave this to you?” I asked.

“Oh ho Johnny needs a wheelchair. Oh ho Johnny sad.”

“Johnny why are you sad.”

“Oh ho ho, Poor Johnny.”

At this moment I know I am not getting very far. Seeing that the student is not severely hurt I take a different tact. “Johnny you are fine let’s head to class.” I drop the student off to my Paras and head outside.

“What happened to Johnny today at recess? Anything?” I inquired of the person on recess duty.

“Yes, Johnny fell down and scraped his knee and hand on the sidewalk. He didn’t bleed, but I gave him a Band-Aid on his knee. He seemed fine.” Was the reply.

My student had decided that a minor scrape that didn’t even result in bleeding warranted a wheelchair and he was going to get one. I love his resourcefulness.

I love that kid.

Happy Teaching!

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